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Transcript and Registration

Transcript Requests

Starting October 14th, 2024 all transcript requests and employment verification will be processed through Parchment. Please see the link below to create an account to order your transcript/verification. 

Current Students, Alumni & Employment/Education Verifier: order your transcript by clicking the button below.

 Order Credentials from Parchment

Olympic High School/MDUSD has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. This link will open a new browser. Please allow 3-5 business days, from the time of your request and once received by the Registrar's Office your request will be processed.


Your student must be at least 16 years old, 10th grader or higher and need credit recovery or a smaller setting. You must speak to your student’s academic counselor at their school to give consent for the counselor to put in an online Alternative Ed. Application. Once it gets approved, Olympic will call the parents/guardians to schedule a registration appointment and address verification then you will be invited to attend our mandatory orientation.

If your student used to be a MDUSD student but is currently NOT, you will need to re-enroll your student back into the MDUSD by visiting MDUSD Enrollment Center, located at Willow Creek Center, 1026 Mohr Lane, Concord, CA 94519 in person with certain documents. Please review which documents you will need to bring on the MDUSD website.


If your student has never enrolled in any MDUSD schools, you will need to enroll your student via MDUSD Enrollment Center's website and follow the “Enrollment” online instructions. It is not complete until you hit SUBMIT. Then you will need to visit MDUSD Enrollment Center located at Willow Creek Center, 1026 Mohr Lane, Concord, CA 94519 in person with certain documents. Please review which documents you will need to bring on the MDUSD website.